The foundation of PANA dates back to ca. 2003 and is an International Friendship Association for Pakistanis, Norwegians and other friends of the two countries. The year 2006-2007 was PANA's first regular year and further planning of the Associations role and activities continues. It is hoped that PANA can become a social and cultural meeting place for Pakistani-Norwegians, one of the largest group of citizens of foreign decent in Norway (about 30,000 in a population of 4.6 million), ethnic Norwegians visiting or working in Pakistan, and others. There is close contact between Pakistan and Norway, largely because of the Diaspora of "New Norwegians" with Pakistani ethnicity in Norway. PANA looks forward to establish contacts with likeminded organizations in Norway to enhance issues of mutual interest for the Pak-Norwegian community.
Around 2-3000 Norwegian citizens of Pakistani ethnicity live in or visit relatives in Pakistan every year, or come for other reasons, some as pensioners. Several hundreds of Pakistanis citizens visit annually relatives and friends in Norway, others go for business, study program and related. PANA wishes that trade, education, culture, research and generally people-to-people contact between the two countries can be expanded in the years to come. The Association hopes to be a forum where to realize these objectives of improved cooperation and contact between Pakistan and Norway.